Mission and More
Our Mission
Educating dance artists...mind, body & spirit
Dancing expands the mind beyond the walls of our studio and into the academic endeavors of our students - boosting cognitive memory, enhancing muscle memory, and releasing endorphins to help elevate a mood. Dancers explore an understanding of music and rhythm, as well as learning the French language for all foundational steps in dance.
Dancing provides a great, overall workout by strengthening the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. The varied movements also improve core strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, and spatial awareness. Dance trains the human body to be an instrument of beauty in telling a story.
Dancing lifts the spirit and provides a momentary escape from the realities of life. Through dance you develop an unconditional bond with other dancers, with the audience—and when you touch the heart of others through the art of dance an emotional bond occurs.
Not because I expect you to major in dance
Not because I expect you to dance all your life
Not so you can relax and have fun
But so you will be human.
So you will recognize beauty.
So you will be sensitive.
So you will be closer to an infinite world.
So you will have something to cling to.
So you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good...
In short, MORE LIFE.
Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?
- Author Unknown